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Why thousands of families choose babysitting via Yepstr
Affordable babysitting
In your local area
Where you are in control
Find a nanny as easy as child's play
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Yepstr does the groundwork so that you can spend your time choosing and coaching the right babysitter. We verify, conduct background checks, insure, hire all our babysitters, handle RUT deductions, and ensure that everything is done according to the rules.
How does it work under the hood? Our matching algorithm searches for the babysitters that best match your needs. Then, you choose who you want to meet. Additionally, a matching specialist always follows the process and is available if you have any questions.
How are we different? Unlike our competitors, we don’t have salespeople looking for babysitters via TikTok, Instagram, and the Employment Service to then try to sell you the only available babysitter. On the contrary, with Yepstr, you are in full control.