4 things to do as a dog sitter

Are you a dog sitter for a German Shepherd or poodle and do not know what to do? Here are tips on different activities that dogs like. All tips come from young people who have been a dog sitter via Yepstr.
Go for a walk
Not the most unique tip, but being out in the fresh air is good for both you and the dog. Feel free to take a long walk in the woods, most dogs love it.
Something that most, but not all dogs think is fun. Can be done with a stick or a ball. Just make sure that the object you throw is not sharp or can harm the dog in any way.
Teach the dog to "sit"
If the dog does not already know it, it will impress the dog owners if you succeed in teaching the dog this. On this page You can read great tips for success.
Look for candy
Here you can start indoors with the dog next to you. Throw some sweets on the floor in different directions and say "search". You can make it a little trickier for the dog by placing the candy in the room first without the dog being involved and then letting it in. To take it further to the next level, you can do the same thing outdoors in terrain. Then the dog really has to use his nose!

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