From A to Z, everything you need to know before the first job

From A to Z, everything you need to know before your first job
Have you just landed your first job? Then you are guaranteed to burst with questions! This guide is for you who are looking for or have just got your first job. And you, if we missed anything, just contact us
More about youth jobs.
For you who are looking for a job, we want to recommend 12 youth job for you who want to work extra during high school.Are you looking for a summer job? Do not miss these 9 summer job for you who go to high school.
Unemployment insurance
When you have to change jobs, have just stopped studying or for some other reason become unemployed, you may be entitled to unemployment benefits, so-called unemployment insurance fund. There is support from the unemployment insurance fund even if you have not worked before, but also remember to pay unemployment benefits once you have a job.
More information and contact to your unemployment insurance fund
Information on rules, membership and contact information for Sweden's unemployment insurance funds.
Employment contract
When you get a new job, you have the right to a written employment contract that describes your duties, salary and other obligations or rights. Even if you have not received the employment agreement in writing, an oral agreement is also valid, but of course there is a problem of interpretation if you and your employer have interpreted the agreement differently. Our recommendation is therefore to always request an employment contract in writing.
More information about what your employment contract should contain
Read this guide from Monster for more about what the employment contract should contain.Employment agreement for the first job is clearly described by
Employers' organizations
As an employee, you have the right to organize in a union. But did you know that employers also have their own trade unions, also called employers' organizations?

More information about employer organizations
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is a collective name for Sweden's employers and has more information about employer organizations.
Work certificate / grade
If you have been employed for more than six months, you are entitled to a work certificate. It is important that your work certificate describes what you have done and how it has gone. If you have been employed for a shorter period of time, the employer is only obliged to give you an employment certificate, but feel free to ask for a work certificate in any case. Why? Of course, it helps when you are looking for new jobs! The work certificate is like a grade for your work and a certificate of the different ways you have helped the employer. Employment certificate is just proof that you have been employed for a period, but does not say much.
Working environment
As an employee, you have the right to set certain requirements for your work environment. You have the right to both a good physical and mental environment. Some things you are entitled to: pleasant lighting, noise-free environment and that your workplace is free from, for example, bullying.
More information about what requirements you can place on your work environment
It can be difficult to make demands when you are new to the first job, but there is good information on The Swedish Work Environment Authority's website for young people.

Working hours
As a newcomer to the job, especially at the first job, you want to prove yourself and line up in a hurry. It is important to remember that most industries have overtime pay if you work more than 40 hours a week, or if you need to work awkward hours.
Even if you have worked for a while, certain circumstances may mean dismissal. If you are unable to keep your side of the agreement with your workplace, the employer may have the right to dismiss you. Then you can stop immediately. Of course, there are certain rights even in the event of dismissal! Most of this is included in the Employment Protection Act (which we write more about below). If you yourself feel that the employer does not fulfill its part of the agreement or if you are ready for new challenges, you can request termination yourself.
First job, first salary! When you are about to receive a salary, it is good to get your own bank account. Talk to your employer and your parents about which bank they use and prefer. The largest banks in Sweden are: Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB, Swedbank and Danskebank. It is important to keep in mind when choosing a bank that transfers go faster within the same bank, having the same bank as those around you can therefore be advantageous.
If you have started studying at the university and take out a student loan or student grant, you must tell CSN that you have got a job. The amount of grants and loans you are entitled to is based on how much you earn, and if you do not report this in advance, you may be liable for repayment.
CV, short for Curriculum Vitae, is the document you use to showcase your experience and why you are qualified for the job you are applying for.
Learn more about what a resume is and how to write it
Read more about how to write a CV in Yepstr's CV school.
Swedish law prohibits discrimination both when you apply and when you have started your job. For example, it is forbidden for managers and supervisors to treat someone worse because of age, gender, origin, disability or sexual orientation. If you suspect or feel that you have been discriminated against, you can contact the Discrimination Ombudsman.
Read more about discrimination
The Discrimination Ombudsman has more information about what discrimination means and what you can do. Visit the Discrimination Ombudsman's website.
Individual company
More and more Swedes are taking jobs as consultants. Then a consulting agreement is entered into and the consultant sends out invoices to the client, instead of receiving a salary. The easiest way to enter into such a relationship is to start an individual company. You pay a small administration fee and it all starts in a short time. Having your own company means both opportunities and obligationsIt is common to have a sole proprietorship if you work with many employers or who want to try freelancing in an area in which you are good.
More information on how to start an individual company
Read more on the Swedish Companies Registration Office's website.

The union
The union is an abbreviation of trade union or trade union. A trade union consists of employees who have joined forces to gain greater influence when they negotiate with the employer on such things as wages, working hours and holidays. For you who are new to the job, it can be nice to know that you have support from others in the same situation. It is voluntary to join the union and different professions have different unions.More information about the unionWant to know more about the union and what it can do for you? Check in LO:s youth site or TCO:s youth site.
There are many insurances to which you are entitled by law. This includes, for example, health insurance and occupational injury insurance. In addition, many organizations and employers have extra insurance for their employees.
More information about insurance
Forsakringskassan lists all forms of compensation that may be entitled to on its website.
Basic salary
The basic salary consists of the fixed monthly salary plus fixed supplements. The monthly salary also includes variable supplements, such as commission for sales.
As a new employee, it is important that you find out what is expected of you and how you will succeed in performing the expected tasks. Therefore, ask your employer what opportunities there are for supervision and who you can turn to if you have any questions.
Introductory job
See âvocational introduction jobâ.
In addition to the fact that it is important that there should be the same rights and obligations for boys and girls, companies with ten or more employees must also draw up a gender equality plan.
Collective agreement
Your union has a collective agreement that describes the conditions that apply to your employment. The agreement has been negotiated by the union and the employer or employers' organization and sets common rules for many workplaces. For example, the trade has its own collective agreement which stipulates that overtime applies to everyone who works evening shifts.
More information about collective agreements
Do you want to know more about collective agreements for you who are young? Read more on LO:s youth site or TCO:s youth site.

Short-term job
Short-term jobs have grown more and more in recent times. For those of you who go to high school or college, it can be nice to know that your work runs over a shorter period of time and will not clash with future commitments. Permanent employment is the traditional form of employment, which means that you are guaranteed work until something else is decided.
Find short-term jobs
Yepstr, Academic Work and bonsai all have short-term jobs that you can take on when you need to find something extra to work with, without longer commitments. Read more about working via Yepstr.
LAS, The Employment Protection Act
The Employment Protection Act, abbreviated LAS, is the Swedish law that protects employees in the event of dismissals and dismissals. LAS applies to all employees with the exception of those in company management positions.
More information about LAS
The law regulates i.a. notice periods, fixed-term employment, how notice of termination is to be handled and which types of terminations are valid. Read more about LAS on Visionen's website.
Local jobs
Local jobs are those jobs that are performed in your area or in your municipality. It is common for the first job to be a local job, it can be easier to find a job with neighbors when you are young.
More about local jobs
For more about local jobs, you can also read our guide to that find local job.
Your salary must be part of your employment contract. Even at the first job, you have the right to negotiate your salary. The important thing to keep in mind is that the higher your experience, the more salary you will receive. In your experience, you can also include short-term jobs, summer jobs, training and extra jobs such as experience from Yepstr.
MBL, Co-determination Act
MBL, the co-determination law, gives you as an employee the right to influence what happens in the workplace. This is usually done through your specialist representative.
More information about the Co-determination Act
For more information about the Co-determination Act, see Wikipedias post.
New start job
Have you been away from work for a long time due to unemployment or illness? Do not be afraid to go out and look for a job again! The employer who employs you after a long absence is entitled to financial support, so-called start-up job. Your employer receives support as long as you have been away from work.
Costs (work-related)
If there are work-related overheads for, for example, travel or purchases, you should discuss this with your employer, to find an agreement on compensation.
Commission salary is a variable compensation that is based on your work performance during a certain period. It is common for jobs in sales to have a certain or completely commission-based salary.
Residual tax
If your employer pays too little tax on your salary, they or you may suffer from residual tax. It is therefore advisable to provide a fair tax table, so that you avoid boring surprises. As a young person, you can request an adjustment during your studies. Adjustment means that you do not pay any tax during the year, but also that you can suffer from residual tax at the end of the year if you earn "too much".
Holidays and vacations
Your right to vacation and leave is related to the type of employment you have. For example, if you work full-time or part-time, you are entitled to 25 days' holiday, but if you have a shorter project position, the rules may look different. You work in your holiday during the year and therefore it is common for you as a new employee not to receive any holiday pay in the first year. Some employers still distribute holiday pay in the first year.
More about holidays and leave
Read more on LO:s youth site or TCO:s youth site.
When you are employed, you pay income tax. Exactly how much tax you pay depends on where you live and how much you earn. Your employer pays the tax and so-called employer contributions for you. Your tax is deducted from the salary agreed with your employer.

More on taxes
Read you all about tax at the Swedish Tax Agency.
When you become ill, it is important that you tell your immediate supervisor as soon as possible so that they can find a replacement. As an employee, you are insured and can receive compensation when you are ill. This does not apply during so-called qualifying days.
More about sick pay and sick leave
Read more about sick pay compensation and how to report sick at the social insurance office.
Permanent employment
Permanent employment is a form of employment which means that the employment has no end date. The first job is usually not a permanent employment, but first a so-called probationary employment. If you have taken a probationary period and are extended after 6 months, your form of employment will automatically change for the time being.
Trainee job
You who are young may have the opportunity for a trainee job. Trainee jobs are part-time employment that is combined with part-time vocational training (at least 25 percent). If you study at least 50 percent, you can apply for study grants via CSN. Trainee jobs can be given for jobs in healthcare, elderly care, disability care, schools and leisure centers or other shortages.
Youth jobs
Youth jobs are jobs that are reserved, or rewarded, for you who are young. Common ones are, for example, restaurant jobs, short-term jobs or shop jobs.

Means you say you want to quit your job. Or that the employer dismisses you. In the event of termination, a certain notice period applies, which must be stated in your employment contract, usually at least one month. See also farewell.
Training contract
You who are between 20-24 years old and have not taken the student can receive support to start or finish a high school education via Komvux or folk high school. Then you can combine part-time studies with work or internship based on your conditions. An education contract is written between you, your municipality and the employment service. It contains a plan for your education and any other support.
Development talks
The first job can feel difficult, albeit fun. Just as you had a development interview with your teacher at school, you can therefore request it at your workplace. There you can talk about your thoughts about the job, your co-workers, salary and a lot more.
More information about development talks
Do you want to know more about what your performance appraisal means, what issues you can address and what you can expect from your employer?See The Union's information page on development talks.
Temporary positions are time-limited jobs due to illness or for other reasons long-term leave with a permanent employee. Finding a temporary job can be a good way to get a job that involves greater responsibility early in the career, but involves some uncertainty. As a young person, a temporary position can also be grateful as the job comes without a commitment period.
Find a temporary job
The most common temporary position is within the school, check it out: Skoljobb or vikariepoolenn.
Introductory employment
If you are under 24 years of age and have no professional experience or have been unemployed for at least three months, you have the opportunity to learn a profession and get help from a supervisor, at the same time as you receive a salary. The employment is called a vocational introductory employment and you can have it for up to a year. At least 15 percent of the time must consist of training or supervision.
Annual income
Even during the first job, it is important to remember that you pay tax based on your annual and not monthly income. It is also the annual income that governs how much student support you are entitled to, if you combine the first job with studies. This means that your tax should be calculated based on what you think you will earn during the year, not what you earn this month. If you incorrectly report your annual income, you may be subject to residual tax.
In Sweden, regular working hours may not exceed 40 hours per week. If it should do so, it counts as overtime, which usually means that you are entitled to overtime pay. Overtime is agreed by the unions, so check with your union if you are entitled to overtime.

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