Garden tools that should be in every garden

A garden requires effort, will and some knowledge of gardening to be kept beautiful and lovely. Or a really good app where you can easily and simply get in touch with talented young people who are happy to earn a little extra money to help. Regardless of how you solve it, you must of course have proper garden tools to work with. Yepstr lists the most important.
Clear weeds with smart garden tools
The weeds should be removed early, and then seen after the whole summer. Pull them up at the root, then you can leave the cleanser in the flower beds. It rots, and becomes soil after a few days.To really get the weeds up at the root, we recommend proper weed irons. There are different types to choose from. Cultivator, shovel or reindeer with jumper - find the tool that suits you best.The same applies to other hand tools with short shafts. There are often different sets of garden tools to buy with, for example, a small planting shovel, dandelion iron and flat cleaning iron.What needs to be done in the garden in July? Yepstr tips![caption id="attachment_1144" align="alignnone" width="1643"]

Get garden help via Yepstr[/caption]
Shrubs, twigs and roses
Always have a secateurs close at hand, for pruning of various kinds. Here there is a large market to choose from. Of course, the more expensive ones last longer, are sharper and easier to use, but require a lot of maintenance, sanding and oiling. A cheap secateurs, however, rust easily and break. But there are many really good ones in the middle class as well. Just make sure you do not choose a heavy model. Then you will not be able to work with it very often.For larger shrubs and trees, a proper one is required hedge trimmer. Preferably with a longer shaft so you can really access it. Here you can choose between an electric or a manual. Of course, it is practical with an electric drive, but there is a certain feeling in looking good in the hedge with manual tools.When, on the other hand, it is time to cut the fruit trees, it is time to use the pruning shears, or even the pruning saw for the really coarse branches. Using just a jigsaw gives a much finer cut than the carpenter's saw. However, you may have to keep the jigsaw to yourself, unless it is a yep who has some experience with garden tools and garden work.Read more about gardening here[caption id="attachment_1148" align="alignnone" width="1650"]

Nice flower beds provide extra garden benefits[/caption]
Discounts and garden land
We have already mentioned that you need a shovel in the garden. Partly a smaller planting shovel but also a larger one that you can use when planting garden land and flower beds. The shovel must have a height that suits you, so you do not injure your shoulders when you work. The heavier the soil, the heavier the shovel you should have so you can dig in clay soil and get rid of rocks. If you are going to dig deep and heavy, you should have a pointed shovel, so you really get down to the depths.Grip is another useful garden tool for loosening soil and picking new potatoes from the garden land. You can do this with a shovel as well, but a grip minimizes damage to roots and bulbs in the soil.
Garden tools for the lawn
A rake is a neat garden tool that is good to have for flower beds and gravel paths. Bosse Rappne, garden expert and former host of Ăntligen Hemma, RĂ„d och Rön advises choosing a rake with straight sticks that do not get stuck in the ground.Complete with a leaf rake - the number one autumn tool. Rake up the autumn leaves, or take care of leftover grass after you have mowed the lawn. A hot tip is to save this lawn mower, and lay out between the plants in the flower beds. In this way, the soil is covered, and kept moist for a long time. Perfect for hot dry summers.Bosse Rappne recommends a rake in sheet metal before plastic - which is heavy and has too strong a start on its sticks. PlĂ„trĂ€fsan holds better and withstands harder grips. Make sure it has some suspension only, so you get a good grip.A garden, isn't it a garden but a proper lawnmower? Customize your purchase of lawn mowers to the size of your garden. If it is a small lawn, a hand fighter may be enough. Medium-sized gardens probably need a battery or electric manikin, while large lawns can handle a motor-driven solution. If you want to be kind to the environment, you can choose a Swan-labeled model.[caption id="attachment_1146" align="alignnone" width="1510"]

Lawn mowers are A and O.[/caption]Feel free to supplement with one grass trimmer to groom edges and narrower spaces where your lawnmower cannot access. After a few years, you will discover what tools are needed in your particular garden. Add garden gloves, wheelbarrow and a windlass on wheels for watering and refilling the children's splash pool and you're in port.
Take help
Are you not so keen on handling hedge trimmers and lawn mowers all summer? Get help from a talented youth via Yepstr. Via the app, you get in touch with young people between the ages of 15-24 in your area who are looking for extra work.Perfect if you are away in July and need someone to take care of the garden in the meantime. Maybe more people in the neighborhood need garden help? Go together with the neighbors and it will be like a summer job for the youth in question. Then it is perfect if you have the tools cleaned and ready, just in time for your garden help to arrive.Happy summer!Need help? Find garden help via Yepstr.

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