How do I help my child to better self-esteem?

Good self-esteem is something that starts to be built early, and must be maintained for life. Good self-esteem is the basis for good relationships, with both oneself and one's surroundings. How to help your child to stronger self-esteem?It is easy to confuse the terms self-esteem and self-confidence. The two properties are closely linked, but basically two different things. With a good self-esteem, you think you are good just the way you are, and you like yourself regardless of achievement. Self-confidence is about feeling that you are good at performing and that you are capable of handling and carrying out tasks.The two phenomena are of course close to each other, something that may have led many to mix or bundle the expressions. Of course, feeling that you are succeeding in accomplishing something, that you are reaching a goal or fulfilling expectations of yourself strengthens your self-esteem. But if this bond becomes too strong, that we only feel satisfied with ourselves when we succeed, it will not be good either.
How is poor self-esteem felt?
There are several signs that your child is suffering from low self-esteem, and may need a little extra support.
- The fear of failure means that you do not dare to try new things.
- If things go wrong, or not well enough, the person will be crushed.
- One does not dare to say what he thinks.
- It becomes important to always be second to none, sometimes at your own expense.
- Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally.
- You become jealous of others who dare, can and succeed.
These are emotions that we can all experience. But if the behavior appears in your children or a young person in your vicinity for a long time, it easily becomes limiting.
Confirmation is the key
According to BRIS, confirmation is the most important thing to strengthen children and young people's self-esteem. Low self-esteem does not only have to do with personality. Family, school and society also play important roles here. Self-esteem is thus often dependent on the environment.
Be clear that you like the young person in question. Give love without reservation. Give hugs and tell how important the child is to you. If you feel loved, respected and needed, you become more secure with others and with yourself.
Undivided attention and sensitivity strengthens self-esteem and makes young people understand that what they have to say is important.
Of course you should give praise and celebrate when things go right and the young people succeed. But it is important not to forget the encouragement when things do not go as planned. The goal is a permissive climate, where it is okay to try and fail.
Confirm feelings
Showing that you are not afraid of tackling problems or digging into emotions is important. Confirm that the emotions are allowed, and that you are happy to talk about them.
Never compare
Everyone has different conditions. So comparing with other children and young people does not help. Regardless of whether it concerns grades, sports performance or number of assignments on Yepstr.

Good role models, important for self-esteem
Good role models
Being a 'good role model' can sometimes feel like a lot of pressure. But being optimistic, positive and affirmative about one's surroundings is often a good thing. Here you can also be careful with those who surround your child, such as homework help or babysitter, and what that type of role model can contribute.Find homework help via Yepstr
Giving children space proves that they can do things on their own. Whether it's about spreading your own breakfast sandwich, or setting off on your first Yepstr mission, it provides practice in problem solving and responsibility. With a wonderful feeling of independence and autonomy as a result.Read more at BRIS
What is good about good self-esteem?
If your child has a good self-esteem, they are more likely to:
- Meet new friends
- Take responsibility
- Be proud and happy with your performance more often
- Dare to be creative
- Better deal with both positive and negative emotions
- Help others without their own gain.

Strengthened self-esteem with homework help via Yepstr?
How can Yepstr help me as a parent?
Yepstr can be a tool on the way to a stronger self-esteem for your children, but the app can also be a goal.On the one hand, the service can act as an enabler. Maybe you are so stressed about your mile-long to-do list that there is no time to give your child the confirmation you really want. Through Yepstr, you can find really awesome young people in the local area who can make everyday life easier. They make money and gain work experience, and you get time to spend with your children.Read more about babysitting via YepstrVia Yepstr, you can find those awesome role models that your child needs. Either in the form of a babysitter, a safe youth to create a long-term relationship with. If your children are of school age, it may be more relevant with a wonderful homework help, to inspire, confirm and support outside the classroom. A role model who puts a little extra time and attention on your child.When your child has reached the age of 15, you can apply for assignments via Yepstr. We are one of Sweden's foremost mediators of youth jobs, and give all young people the opportunity to show what they stand for - both for themselves and for others. You do not just earn your own money and build your CV. You learn to take responsibility and meet new people - just that feeling of independence and opportunities that your own space provides.We will always get no in life, we will fail several times. A good self-esteem that captures and reminds us of our value is essential. Here, Yepstr can be both an enabler and a goal.Get started today!

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