How to show the front feet at work - yep posts

It is important that you show your front feet at work
This blog post is about how to show your front feet at work and was written by our fantastic Yep Tilda. Tilda has worked extra for several years, and in recent years also via Yepstr. Here, Tilda shares her best tips for how you can show your front feet at work and thereby give a good impression.I have worked with everything possible since I started working extra about 6 years ago. I have handed out flyers wearing a chef's costume in a shopping center, worked in a café during rush hour, kept a warm-up wearing a stuffed animal costume and worked as a hostess at an apartment show. Jobs that have no clear connection at all, but which still contain two essential similarities: an employer and an employee.Almost anyone can be hired and do a good job, but you are not always hired again. I have learned that if you want to guarantee the latter, it is important to show your front feet. If the employer sees that you have the ambition and willpower to carry out the job in the best possible way, there is a good chance that you will be employed again.
Tilda tips
How do you show your front feet? I usually think like this:
- Listen carefully to the instructions and ask if something is unclear - it is much better to clarify everything in advance than to have to redo something that you have misinterpreted. If it is a lot at once, write a checklist and tick off everything you have done so nothing is forgotten.

- If you work at an event or similar, do not fall asleep and stand completely still. But always make sure that everything is as it should be. Is there water everywhere? Is there something empty in front? Need something refilled? Showing your employer that you can find your own job without having to ask all the time is a good sign. However, it is important not to step on anyone's toes. So if you have been given strict instructions to only pick up empty glasses, then do not run away and pick up a tray with cuts and walk around with them, without asking your employer.
- Always be nice - I have several times gone to a job with a mood far below the "happy stretch" and far too little sleep in the luggage, but it is not my employer's fault. Never take out your anger or fatigue at work. A couple of deep breaths, the favorite song in the headphones on the way to work and a smile cures most things. It's okay to feel bad, but push the anger away until the workout is over.
- Try different methods when things do not go as they should. Babysitting a child who has become overtired and sad can be incredibly stressful. Then stop, breathe calmly and then test everything you can come and think about. Lift the baby in your arms and rock it, give the baby water, a pacifier, its stuffed animal or a blanket. Sometimes the child can get hot so that the fan or wind weak can help, it is also incredibly important to try to keep calm yourself. If nothing works, it's okay to call your parents. Ask them to come home or ask if they have any secret method they know works. When it comes to babysitting, it is better to ask once too much than once too little.
- Do not sit with the phone. Even if there is not much to do right then it is not okay. Social media can always wait until later, especially if you are at a job with customers around. Standing and scrolling through feeds during working hours will reduce your chances of getting new job offers. If you are expecting an important call, it is a different matter, but be sure to inform your employer about it in advance.
Good luck now! // TildaWant to read more tips and tricks from other good Yeps?

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