Our CEO answers: I want to become an entrepreneur and wonder what you did after high school?

Hello Albin!Glad you think the entrepreneurial track sounds exciting! I will try to answer as best I can :)After high school, I felt that I would have liked to have tried to become an entrepreneur one fine day. So I talked to my mentor about it and he said that then they were probably best to take an engineering or economics degree. Precisely because they are so "wide". In addition, I liked math and chess and stuff from before so it felt quite natural.So I applied to Industrial Economics at Chalmers. I did not get in on grades so wrote the college exam and got in on it.But before I started, I took the opportunity to backpack around the world and get it out of the system, so to speak :) We had so much fun!When I studied at Chalmers, I made sure to hang out with friends who were ambitious. Not just those who liked to party, so to speak :) And it so happened that together we decided to study twice at Handels. So I took a Master's degree there too. When you do it with your friends and party in the evenings and study during the day, it doesn't feel that hard actually - just fun.And that's really something I do not regret. For a good education gives one a good self-confidence. What you learn may not always be so heavenly useful :) But you learn to absorb a lot of information quickly! And it also shows that you can work hard - which many employers want to see.Of course, there are many paths to the goal - and I believe more and more that education is not super important anymore. But! I would still recommend it. Having a good education in the back and also making sure to get reasonably good grades from there will only strengthen your self-confidence and also open a lot of doors.Thanks to my education, I then got my first real job in Australia where I earned almost SEK 120,000 a month as a 25-year-old (!!!!) so if you are ready to work hard and throw yourself into the world, it opens up many doors. Note that I left that job after 9 months because I thought it was boring and took another job where I worked twice as much and received less than half my previous salary.When I turned 30, I felt that I finally stumbled upon the idea that I could burn for the rest of my life. I was ready to become an entrepreneur :)Good luck now!Jacob

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