Why is Yepstr needed?

If you pick up the newspaper today, you will see that we have a lot of challenges in Sweden - everything from the integration of hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers to high unemployment, high crime, gender equality issues, slowing growth, to an increasing threat from countries outside Europe.Today, they try to solve these problems with point interventions, or "firefighting" here and there. A bit like the guy in the game below. The problem is, unfortunately, that as soon as you transfer money from one problem to another, something else goes to h "# €ete.If you ask the political parties, they suggest different medicines - and different priorities. If you look to the right, the most important thing is to create jobs and growth ... the rest will come later. If you look further to the left, it is rather the issue of equality and environmental issues that are prioritized. Then they all care about everything that is important.We at Yepstr believe in two things:
- All people are born "good" and want about the same things: live a good life in a safe society and feel appreciated- Early interventions are much more effective - help young people end up right from the start instead of imprisoning later- The first small jobs, the first professional relationships

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