French bulldog vs Staffordshire bull terrier

There are few things that strike the finger through a dog's soft fur, or look into those kind, eyes that can make one do just about anything. Are you longing for a new family member but have a hard time deciding which furry bestie to choose? We get it! It is not an easy decision when there are almost 200 different breeds to choose from, and it is important to find a breed that suits you. So be sure to do proper research. Here you can read about French bulldog vs Staffordshire bull terrier.

Fransk Bulldog
Briefly about the breed & its popularity
As the name suggests, the breed comes from France, where it originated when the British dwarf bulldog got it together with flat-nosed dogs in the late 19th century. Frallan, as it is called today, became very popular among artists and the upper class due to its special appearance and character. It is believed that the breed originated when the first Swedish frallan was first registered in 1913.In Sweden, the breed is popular today; at the end of 2017, it was in 14th place on the top list of the most popular dog breeds with 8,785 registered dogs.
What skills does a sandwich have?
The French Bulldog has no direct skills. It was bred as a companion dog, and that is exactly what it is. It therefore thrives best at home, but can definitely imagine getting out into the fresh air sometimes, as long as it is not too often and at too fast a walking pace.

Appearance & health
Frallan's biggest characteristic is the bat-like ears that stand straight up. It has a flat face, short glossy fur, and an innately short little tail. The height at the withers is about 30 cm, and the weight can vary between 8-14 kg. The color can range from black with white fields, to tiger or beige.With the flat nose, there are a lot of problems with breathing difficulties within the breed, and you should therefore be extra careful when it comes to exercise. There are also skin infections, eye problems and problems with mobility.
Do not be fooled by the small body hut - the brat has an enormous personality and very definite opinions about most things. They like to have things their way. A French bulldog is cheerful, social, funny and loyal to his family. It is also brave, and can often imagine that it is bigger than it actually is (for better or worse). As a family dog, a puppy can work well, but it usually takes some training for it to get used to children.
Just like us humans, all dogs are different, and even if they belong to the same breed, it is mainly age, gender, how much exercise they get, and genetic factors that play a role when it comes to what to eat. You will find more about how you should think about feed and here you will find a list of it bÀsta hundfodret 2020.This is not a breed for fur sensitive.
Fur care
Thanks to its short coat, a coat requires minimal fur care, but it is important to dry the wrinkles on the face and take care of the ears.
Allergy friendly
This is not a breed for fur sensitive.
A sandwich is a dog that:
- suitable for owners without experience
- requires some training
- like calmer walks
- do not want to move too much
- need minimal fur care
- is relatively quiet
- is not allergy friendly
- has a certain guard instinct and can bark at strangers
- need training to live with other animals
- may need exercise to live with children.
The list comes from you want to read about French bulldog, you will find lots of good information on Svenska Kennelklubben and[caption id="attachment_3174" align="alignnone" width="740"]

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Staffordshire Bullterrior
Briefly about the breed & its popularity
Staffordshire bull terriers come from England where they were originally bred to be used in dog fights. When dog hoarding was banned, it was realized that the breed has many calm, fine qualities and the breed instead became a much appreciated and kind companion dog, and is still so today.In Sweden, the staff as it is also called was in 26th place on the top list of the most popular dog breeds, with 6,382 registered dogs. However, it has since increased significantly in popularity.
What skills does a staff have?
This is also a dog that thrives very well as a companion dog, but it has many talents that show with the right training. It can be good in agility as well as obedience and game tracking.[caption id="attachment_3170" align="alignnone" width="1024"]

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Appearance & health
The Staffordshire Terrier is a medium-sized muscular dog with a powerful physique and small pointed ears with drooping snouts. It is, to say the least, a small power package, which is very strong for being so small. The height at the withers is 36-41 cm and the weight varies between 11-17 kg.The color can range from black to red or tiger. White fields often occur.This is a breed that has had a lot of problems with teeth and skin. Recently, breathing difficulties have also been added to the list.
Staffen is a talkative, smart and resourceful breed that with proper social training and good upbringing can form extremely strong bonds with people. But it is necessary to train from an early age, and then continue with the training. If you neglect it, problems can arise in the meeting with other dogs and people. But if you have the time, this is really a breed that has that little extra.
Just like us humans, all dogs are different, and even if they belong to the same breed, it is mainly age, gender, how much exercise they get, and genetic factors that play a role when it comes to what to eat. You will find more about how you should think about feed and here you will find a list of it bÀsta hundfodret 2020.[caption id="attachment_3168" align="alignnone" width="1024"]

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Fur care
The coat is very easy to care for, and requires virtually no maintenance at all.
Allergy friendly
This is not a dog for you if you are sensitive to fur animals.
A staffe is a dog that:
- suitable for owners with some experience
- requires training
- want to go on active walks
- is not allergy friendly
- is talkative and loud
- has a certain guard instinct - barks and warns
- need training to live with other dogs and animals
- may need exercise to live with children
The list comes from

Similarities - French bulldog vs Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Similar basic characteristics - they both have great personalities, are sociable and form close ties with their family
- Training - it takes a lot of training for certain breeds to get along with other dogs, animals and humans
- Guard instinct - both races bark and warn their family of strangers
- Allergy-friendly - none of the breeds are suitable for those who are sensitive to fur animals
- Works well as family dogs as long as they get the right training
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Differences - French bulldog vs Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Size and appearance - even though they are in some ways a bit similar to each other, they look quite different. If you want a small dog, you should invest in a sandwich
- Exercise - if you choose a sandwich, there will be no long forest walksâŠ
- Willingness to work - you can train the staff for most things, a sandwich would rather lie on the sofa
- Obedience - if you want a dog of the quiet type, choose a French bulldog
- Experience - a puppy is a beginner dog, while a staffe requires some experience
Experience - a puppy is a beginner dog, while a staffe requires some experience...
In short - how much do you like to move yourself? Because that's probably still where the biggest difference lies. If it is enough to walk a couple of laps around the block, you can in good conscience welcome a sandwich to the family. If you like longer forest walks and play, maybe the staff is the breed for you. Regardless of which of these two cuties you choose, it is important that you have time, because it does not learn to behave on its own.[caption id="attachment_3112" align="alignnone" width="747"]

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Once you have decided on the race
Okay, so what happens once you've decided on a race? Well, then it's just to start looking around among the breeders. The easiest way is to search online for breeds and breeders near you. Some breeders have slightly stricter requirements for their buyers than others, for example, they may want the owners to exhibit or compete with the dogs. Make sure to find a breeder with requirements that suit you, so that you can maintain a good relationship over the years. It is usually appreciated by both breeders and dogs to let the herd be seen repeatedly.On vÄr blogg we have compared several of Sweden's most popular dog breeds - you can read about Golden retriever vs Flatcoated retriever, Golden retriever vs Labrador retriever, and SchÀfer vs JÀmthund!On Svenska Kennelklubben you can read more about all the 194 dog breeds in Sweden. There you will also find a list of all breeders in Sweden and good advice on how to prepare to receive your new family member.Curious about which dog breeds are most popular in Sweden? Here you will find one topplista! On You can also read about how many registered dogs there are of the different breeds. It's good to insure your dog! On you can read all about this. There you can also compare all the different insurance companies.

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