Golden retriever vs Flatcoated retriever

Man's best friend. A faithful companion in wet and dry. Unconditional love every day of the week. A soft bestie to go for long forest walks with, play with or cuddle on the sofa on a rainy day - yes, having a dog is really something special. And the bond between man and dog can be incredibly strong. But to be able to get that strong connection, it is important to find a breed that you "match" with, so that you get a dog that fits into your everyday life and who likes what you like. How will you then be able to decide which of all 294 different races best suits you? Well, I guess it's just to start reading. Here you can read about Golden Retriever vs Flatcoated Retriever.

Golden Retriever
Briefly about the breed & its popularity
The Golden Retriever began to be bred in the late 19th century in England. The hunters wanted help to search for and retrieve birds and small game that they hunted during the hunt. They wanted a dog that could easily switch between activity and passivity, and work well both on land and in water. Extra important was also that the breed would get along well with both drivers and other dogs.The breed is today Sweden's second most popular breed after the Labrador, and at the end of 2017 there were 24,609 registered Golden Retrievers in the country.
What skills does a golden have?
Although the Golden Retriever was originally bred for hunting, today it is seen more as an all-round breed and is well suited both as a hunting dog and companion dog in an active home. It has many good qualities that make it ideal as a family dog; it is cooperative, responsive, intelligent and friendly. However, the desire to retrieve and work remains, and the breed feels good to work a little.

Appearance & health
This is a medium-sized dog with a height of 56-61 cm for males and 51-56 cm for bitches, and the weight varies between 25-35 kg. A healthy golden should not only be kind, it should also have a friendly expression - it is after all one of the most kind dog breeds in the world. The golden coat has not only given the name to the breed, but is also the best characteristic. The color tone can vary and range from dark golden to light cream. Some dogs have white fur on their chests.It is a healthy and healthy breed, and most people live well and well for over 10 years. Some hereditary diseases can occur in the breed, but it is not very common.
The Golden Retriever has not been named the best family dog for nothing - the typical breed dog is happy, social, compliant, intelligent and easy to raise, which makes it perfect as a first-dog. It quickly connects with people and loves to spend time with its family. It usually works just fine with both children and other dogs, and settles for moderate activation - walking, retrieval and preferably a little obedience training. The breed also loves water, so if you choose a golden you will get a happy companion on the beach as well as on the autumn walks.
Just like us humans, all dogs are different, and even if they belong to the same breed, it is mainly age, gender, how much exercise they get, and genetic factors that play a role when it comes to what to eat. You will find more about how you should think about feed and here you will find a list of the best dog food 2020.

Fur care
The coat requires some care to be kept nice and clean. The breed sheds not only during the two fur changes but gradually throughout the year, and it can therefore be good to regularly brush away the loose fur so that it does not end up everywhere in the home… It is extra important to remove the excess fur during the summer - Golden Retriever is not particularly fond of getting hot.
Allergy friendly
This is not an allergy-friendly breed, so if you are allergic or sensitive to fur animals, you should look further.
A golden is a dog that:
- suitable for owners without experience
- requires basic training
- enjoys active walks (more than 2 hours / day)
- requires some fur care
- is not allergy friendly
- counts as silent
- does not work at all as a watchdog
- goes well with other dogs and animals
- is a fantastic family dog.
The list comes from you want to read about the Golden Retriever, you will find lots of good information on Svenska Kennelklubben, and[caption id="attachment_3176" align="alignnone" width="996"]

The picture comes from the Swedish Hunters' Association[/caption]
Flatcoated Retriever
Briefly about the breed & its popularity
The flatcoated retriever began breeding in England to help find the shot pheasants when that type of hunting became popular in the mid-19th century. The hunters wanted a fast, stable, calm and easy-to-learn retriever - which they really managed to create. The breed would also have a reasonably deep hunting instinct, to be able to focus on the shot game and not all the game around.At the end of 2017, there were 7731 registered "flats" in Sweden, and the breed was in tenth place on the top list of the most popular dog breeds in Sweden in 2019, but has since slipped down outside the top 10.
What skills does a Flatcoated Retriever have?
Flatten is thus originally a hunting dog, but today is also often used in shows. It is an active dog that needs to work with both body and bud. It is easy to learn, alert and responsive, and is excellent for most dog sports in addition to being a brilliant retriever.[caption id="attachment_3096" align="alignnone" width="800"]

The picture comes from[/caption]
Appearance & health
The breed is available in three different colors: brown, black and yellow. However, only brown and black can be exhibited. It is a medium-sized dog with a height at the withers for males of 58-61 cm and 56-58 cm for bitches. The normal weight of the breed varies between 25-36 kg.It has been shown that flats are at greater risk than many other dog breeds of developing malignant types of cancer. Why this is so is not really known, but a research project is underway to find out. You can read more about it a
If you are looking for a safe, friendly, social and playful dog, this may be the breed for you! It constantly waves its tail and loves people and other dogs. In addition, this breed develops more slowly than many others, which means that it retains its mischievous and cute puppy behavior for several years. The calmness and ease of adapting make the flat a perfect family dog in an active home, or as a first dog for you without previous experience as a dog owner.
Just like us humans, all dogs are different, and even if they belong to the same breed, it is mainly age, gender, how much exercise they get, and genetic factors that play a role when it comes to what to eat. You will find more about how you should think about feed and here you will find a list of it bästa hundfodret 2020.[caption id="attachment_3192" align="alignnone" width="1200"]

The picture comes from[/caption]
Fur Care
It does not require much fur care, it is enough that you brush the coat regularly as it easily gets dirt and mud stuck in the long hair and on the paws.
Allergy friendly
Nor is the flat a breed to bet on if you are the least sensitive to fur animals.
A flat is a dog that:
- suitable for owners without experience
- requires basic training
- enjoys active walks (more than 2 hours / day)
- requires some fur care
- is not allergy friendly
- is talkative & loud
- does not work particularly well as a watchdog
- love other dogs and animals
- is a fantastic family dog. can read more about Flatcoated Retrievers at Svenska Kennelklubben and

Similarities – Golden Retriever vs Flatcoated Retriever
- Same basic characteristics - both breeds are retrievers and bred for the same purpose.
- Social and kind - they both fit well both as companion and family dogs.
- Willing to work - if you are looking for a hunting dog, both fit just as well.
- Exercise - they do not need excessive exercise, but feel good about being activated daily.
- Fur care - none of them need particularly much or time-consuming fur care.
- Allergy friendly - they are both equally non-allergy friendly
- They love water.
[caption id="attachment_3110" align="alignnone" width="1500"]

The picture comes from[/caption]
Skillnader – Golden Retriever vs Flatcoated Retriever
- Health - if you are looking for a breed that is the health itself, you should choose a golden because barrel is a more disease-affected breed.
- Mental training - for a flat to feel the best, it also needs mental training.
- Appearance - the biggest difference - one is dark and one is light, this is simply a matter of taste.
- Obedience - the flat is more talkative and noisy than a golden that is considered a "quiet" breed
- Most common - there are significantly more Golden Retrievers than flats in Sweden
- Show - if you are interested in showing your dog, a flat is a more deserving show breed.
Golden Retriever vs Flatcoated Retriever – Summary
In many ways, these two breeds are very similar to each other, so if you are looking for a kind, social and safe companion or family dog, you can choose freely between these two, and maybe simply let the look decide - they look very different after all. If you want a dog that barks when strangers come, you should bet on a flat, as many golden owners jokingly say that a golden would rather help the burglars than scare them away (they really love everyone). Although none of the breeds is a directly skilled watchdog.[caption id="attachment_3120" align="alignnone" width="960"]

In many ways, these two breeds are very similar to each other, so if you are looking for a kind, social and safe companion or family dog, you can choose freely between these two, and maybe simply let the look decide - they look very different after all. If you want a dog that barks when strangers come, you should bet on a flat, as many golden owners jokingly say that a golden would rather help the burglars than scare them away (they really love everyone). Although none of the breeds is a directly skilled watchdog.[/caption]
Once you have decided on the race
Okay, so what happens once you've decided on a race? Well, then it's just to start looking around among the breeders. The easiest way is to search online for breeds and breeders near you. Some breeders have slightly stricter requirements for their buyers than others, for example, they may want the owners to exhibit or compete with the dogs. Make sure to find a breeder with requirements that suit you, so that you can maintain a good relationship over the years. It is usually appreciated by both breeders and dogs to let the herd be seen repeatedly.On vår blogg we have compared several of Sweden's most popular dog breeds - you can read about Golden retriever vs Labrador retriever, Schäfer vs Jämthund and Fransk bulldogg vs Staffordshire bullterrier!On Svenska Kennelklubben you can read more about all the 194 dog breeds in Sweden. There you will also find a list of all breeders in Sweden and good advice on how to prepare to receive your new family member.Curious about which dog breeds are most popular in Sweden? Here you will find one topplista! On You can also read about how many registered dogs there are of the different breeds. It's good to insure your dog! On you can read all about this. There you can also compare all the different insurance companies.

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