German shepard vs Moosedog - Yepstr compare

Some are golden brown, large and fluffy, others are white, small and rough. Some are happy, social and love everything and everyone, others are harder and more reserved. Yes, there really is a dog breed for every personality. Least. Just because the breeds are so different, it is extra important that you really read on before you make a move and buy a dog - to be able to create a nice relationship you need to match each other - here you can read all about SchÀfer vs JÀmthund.

Briefly about the breed & its popularity
The breed is actually called German German Shepherd, and as the name indicates, the breed originally comes from Germany where it was used as a herding dog already during the Middle Ages. The German Shepherd has since then, thanks to his ability to cooperate and his good physique, become the dog breed most used in the armed forces. Today it is also often used as a police dog.At the end of 2017, there were 30,264 German Shepherds registered in Sweden, and it was then the most common dog breed in the country. Nowadays, it is in second place after the Labrador Retriever.
What skills does a German Shepherd have?
The German Shepherd is very versatile, easy to train and incredibly loyal to its owner. It is a watchdog of rank that easily distinguishes between friends and "enemies", which also makes it excellent as a police dog. But it is not only suitable as a service dog, it is also a very popular family dog.[caption id="attachment_3197" align="alignnone" width="600"]

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Appearance & health
A German Shepherd is robust and is characterized by its sloping rear. The height at the withers for males is 60-65 cm and for bitches 55-60 cm. The weight varies between 22-40 kg. There are long-haired or normal-haired varieties and the most common is that the color is mixed black or gray with brown or red fields, but there are also all-black German Shepherds.The breed is slightly more disease-prone than others, especially when it comes to skin diseases, problems with mobility and various gastrointestinal problems.
A healthy and prosperous German Shepherd can forge an incredibly strong bond with his family, and protect them at all costs. It certainly requires a lot of attention, but if it gets training and exercise, it is a very social and pleasant breed. If it does not get the social training it needs, it can become both disobedient and unhappy, so make sure you really have plenty of time..
Just like us humans, all dogs are different, and even if they belong to the same breed, it is mainly age, gender, how much exercise they get, and genetic factors that play a role when it comes to what to eat. You will find more about how you should think about feed and here you will find a list of it bÀsta hundfodret 2020.[caption id="attachment_3186" align="alignnone" width="800"]

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Fur care
The need for fur care is not particularly great, but a little brushing from time to time is enough to get rid of loose hair. However, the long-haired breed requires a little more care.
Allergy friendly
This is not a breed for you who are sensitive to fur animals.
A German Shepherd is a dog that:
- suits you with previous experience of dog
- requires extra physical and mental training
- need some fur care
- is not allergy friendly
- is very loud
- has a deep guard instinct - barks and warns
- often need training to live with other dogs and animals
- may need exercise to live with children.
The list comes from you want to read about German German Shepherds, you will find lots of good information on Svenska Kennelklubben and[caption id="attachment_3140" align="alignnone" width="1024"]

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Briefly about the breed & its popularity
JĂ€mthunden, or Swedish moose dog as it is also called, is one of Sweden's national breeds. It became an official breed in 1946, but was bred in Norrland by the hunting people much further back than that. They wanted a strong, enduring dog that could help with hunting, especially moose, but also bears, lynx and forest birds.This northerner has been in a stable fifth place on the list of the most popular dog breeds in Sweden in recent years, and at the end of 2017 there were 17,014 registered dogs in the country.What skills does a Moosehound have?This is a hunting dog of rank and can be trained as a versatile hunting dog, even if it is best suited for moose hunting. If it gets the right stimulation, training and freedom, it can also become an excellent herding dog, guard, sled or rescue dog. However, it has a great need to be able to think and act independently, so it requires a slightly different type of training than other breeds. You can read more about this under personality.

Appearance & healthJÀmthunden resembles a wolf in both color and physique, and is a very powerful breed - it has, after all, had to confront wolves, lynx and moose during its lifetime. The height at the withers for males is 57-65 cm and for females 52-60 cm. The color is different shades of gray.This is a race virtually completely free of disease, but epilepsy and some joint problems can be present.PersonalityIndependent, headstrong and active - it requires that you are quirky and meet the greyhound's needs and personality with understanding and patience to get a balanced and obedient dog. It seldom listens to commands just like that, but does a little as it pleases, so it is important that you as the owner make it think like you. With the right training and space, the breed can learn most things, and function well as a family dog. It is a protector and always meets strangers with a certain skepticism - it chooses its friends. An "equal" should live in a rural environment, never in the city.DietJust like us humans, all dogs are different, and even if they belong to the same breed, it is mainly age, gender, how much exercise they get, and genetic factors that play a role when it comes to what to eat. You will find more about how you should think about feed and here you will find a list of it bÀsta hundfodret 2020.[caption id="attachment_3178" align="alignnone" width="985"]

The picture comes from the Swedish Hunters' Association...[/caption]Fur careIt does not require much fur care in addition to a few baths from time to time.Allergy friendlyThis is not a dog for you who are sensitive to fur animals.A JĂ€mthund is a dog that:
- suits you with previous experience of dog
- requires extra physical and mental training
- is not allergy friendly
- is very loud
- has a great hunting instinct - barks and warns
- need training to live with other dogs and animals
- often need exercise to live with children
- want to live in the country.
More information about JĂ€mthunden can be found at Svenska Kennelklubben and[caption id="attachment_3116" align="alignnone" width="622"]

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Similarities - German Shepherd vs JĂ€mthund
- Great guard instinct - both breeds work great as a guard dog
- Willingness to work - they like to work and feel needed
- Requires a lot of training - both physically and mentally
- Works well as family dogs as long as they get the right training
- Noise - they are both very loud
- Allergy-friendly - none of them are suitable for anyone who is sensitive to fur animals
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Differences - German Shepherd vs JĂ€mthund
- Living environment - one always needs to live in a rural environment, a German Shepherd can also feel good in the city as long as it is activated sufficiently
- Appearance - the breeds look very different
- Independence - even if a German Shepherd also needs a lot of space, it does not have the same stubbornness as a greyhound
- Diseases - if you want a healthy breed, the greyhound is the very best
- Fur care - German Shepherds require slightly more fur care, especially the long-haired variety
SchÀfer vs JÀmthund - Summary
None of these breeds are for beginners, and in order to have a balanced and prosperous dog, you need a lot of time to give. Long walks, lots of attention and exercise, exercise, exercise. If you can give it to them, you will get a friendly, loyal and happy companion - but that is not something you get for free.If you live in the city, you can immediately let go of the thought of an equalizer.

Once you have decided on the race
Okay, so what happens once you've decided on a race? Well, then it's just to start looking around among the breeders. The easiest way is to search online for breeds and breeders near you. Some breeders have slightly stricter requirements for their buyers than others, for example, they may want the owners to exhibit or compete with the dogs. Make sure to find a breeder with requirements that suit you, so that you can maintain a good relationship over the years. It is usually appreciated by both breeders and dogs to let the herd be seen repeatedly.On our blog has we compared several of Sweden's most popular dog breeds - you can read about Golden retriever vs Flatcoated retriever, Golden retriever vs Labrador retriever and Fransk bulldog vs Staffordshire bullterrier! On Swedish Kennel Clubyou can read more about all the 194 dog breeds in Sweden. There you will also find a list of all breeders in Sweden and good advice on how to prepare to receive your new family member.Curious about which dog breeds are most popular in Sweden? Here you will find one top list! On sakerhund.seYou can also read about how many registered dogs there are of the different breeds.It's good to insure your dog! On you can read all about this. There you can also compare all the different insurance companies.

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