Homework help and childcare at a distance

Digital childcare or homework help via Skype?
In times like these, many stay at home. But that does not mean that you as a parent need less help, it is often the opposite.If it is not an option to meet in real life, our suggestion is to try digital childcare or homework help!This is of course new to us as well. So you who try this are welcome to contact us with what works and what does not. :)Below are some tips from our yeps for it to be successful.
Video call services
🔶 Skype🔶 Discord🔶 FaceTime🔶 Google Hangouts🔶 Teams🔶 Zoom
Activities for younger children
🔶 Story time🔶 Sing songs🔶 Charader🔶 Today's letter / Color🔶 Practice counting / The alphabet🔶 Reading aloud🔶 Show each other's room / Home🔶 Tell us about all their stuffed animals or toys🔶 Simple craft (maybe with the toilet rolls you bunkered? 😊 )
Activities for older children
🔶 Homework help over video calls🔶 Picture lesson / drawing of each other's face🔶 Music lessons🔶 Play Pictionary🔶 Practice or do yoga together🔶 Solve riddles🔶 Quiz🔶 Compete to see who can build the tallest towerPs. Here is our latest information current protection against the spread of infection.
Read More: Yepstr and Colivia in babysitting collaboration

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